Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AD_SetTestEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_ad_test_type_t type, bool_t enable)
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AD_GetTestEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_ad_test_type_t type, bool_t *p_outenable)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ naibrd_AD_GetTestEnable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AD_GetTestEnable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
naibrd_ad_test_type_t type,
bool_t * p_outenable )
This function has been deprecated and has been replaced by naibrd_AD_GetModuleBITEnable().

Retrieves the A/D D0, D2 or D3 BIT Test Enable state for the specified A/D module.

* The D2 Test initiates automatic background BIT testing. Each channel is checked every 10% from Positive Full Scale
* to Negative Full Scale to a testing accuracy of 0.2% Full Scale and each Signal and Reference is always
* monitored. Any failure triggers an interrupt (if enabled) and the results are available in BIT Status register.
* The testing is totally transparent to the user, requires no external programming, has no effect on the standard
* operation of the board, and can be enabled or disabled.
* The D3 Test initiates a BIT test that disconnects all channels from the outside world and connects them across
* an internal stimulus that generates and tests each channel to a test accuracy of 0.2% Full Scale. The results are
* available in BIT Status register. The testing requires no external reference, no external programming and
* can be initiated or stopped.
* The D0 Test is used to check the module and the interface. All channels are disconnected from the outside world,
* allowing the user to write any voltage to all channels on the module and then read the data from voltage data
* registers.  External reference is not required.
cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
type: (Input) Test Type: refer to naibrd_ad_test_type_t definition.
p_outenable: (Output) 0 to disable, 1 to enable test.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid type parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AD_SetTestEnable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AD_SetTestEnable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
naibrd_ad_test_type_t type,
bool_t enable )
This function has been deprecated and has been replaced by naibrd_AD_SetModuleBITEnable().

Sets the A/D D0, D2 or D3 BIT Test Enable state for the specified A/D module.

* The D2 Test initiates automatic background BIT testing. Each channel is checked every 10% from Positive Full Scale
* to Negative Full Scale to a testing accuracy of 0.2% Full Scale and each Signal and Reference is always
* monitored. Any failure triggers an interrupt (if enabled) and the results are available in BIT Status register.
* The testing is totally transparent to the user, requires no external programming, has no effect on the standard
* operation of the board, and can be enabled or disabled.
* The D3 Test initiates a BIT test that disconnects all channels from the outside world and connects them across
* an internal stimulus that generates and tests each channel to a test accuracy of 0.2% Full Scale. The results are
* available in BIT Status register. The testing requires no external reference, no external programming and
* can be initiated or stopped.
* The D0 Test is used to check the module and the interface. All channels are disconnected from the outside world,
* allowing the user to write any voltage to all channels on the module and then read the data from voltage data
* registers.  External reference is not required.
cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
type: (Input) Test Type: refer to naibrd_ad_test_type_t definition.
enable: (Input) 0 to disable, 1 to enable test.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid type parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.