Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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Topics | |
Module Properties Functions | |
Standard Operation Functions | |
Channel Configuration Functions | |
Built-in Test Functions | |
Advanced Built-in Test Functions | |
Channel Reset Functions | |
Conversion Functions | |
NAI's chip detector smart function modules are a magnetic-electrical device that provides a reliable method of detecting impending failure of bearings and gears and intended to be used as a maintenance time gauge or flag risk of imminent mechanical subsystem failure. As ferrous metallic particles are attracted to the sensor and begin to bridge the gap between the two contacts, the chip sensor circuit detect resistance drops. NAI's chip detection smart function modules continuously measures the sensor gap resistance and when the sensor gap resistance falls below the programmable FAULT resistance threshold, the Fuzz Burn charge circuit is triggered (programmable, up to 10x attempts) to 'burn-off' normal and typical amounts of metallic sludge (fuzz).