Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_BcCmdGetWord (naibrd_1553_bc_opcode_t hardwareOpcode, naibrd_1553_bc_condition_t condition, uint16_t *p_outcommandOpcode)
 Generate a command word using given opcode and condition code. Odd parity is used for the generation of the parity bit (MSB) of the command opcode word.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ naibrd_1553_BcCmdGetWord()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_BcCmdGetWord ( naibrd_1553_bc_opcode_t hardwareOpcode,
naibrd_1553_bc_condition_t condition,
uint16_t * p_outcommandOpcode )

Generate a command word using given opcode and condition code. Odd parity is used for the generation of the parity bit (MSB) of the command opcode word.

hardwareOpcode: (Input) A hardware opcode.
condition: (Input) A condition code.
p_outcommandOpcode: (Output) A pointer to a variable within which the generated command opcode is returned.
  • NAIBRD_SUCCESS when function is completed successfully
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_PARAMETER when condition and/or hardwareOpcode is invalid, or if the p_outcommandOpcode pointer is null.