Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtSetAddrSrc (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t rtAddressSource)
 Set RT address source as either internal or external. This function is not supported for FTJ/FTK modules.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtGetAddrSrc (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t *p_outrtAddressSource)
 Gets RT address source (external or internal).
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtAddrRelatch (int16_t device)
 If RT_ADR_LAT is set high in the Misc Bits Auxiliary register (0x2), this function re-latches the RT address based on the current state of the external RT address pins. Use this function to make the device re-read the external RT address pins to reset the RT address of the device. If RT_ADR_LAT is set high, changing the state of the external pins by itself will not change the RT address of the device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtSetAddr (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rtAddress)
 This function is used to set the RT address if the RT address source is set to Internal.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtGetAddr (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t *p_outrtAddress)
 Retrieves the RT address.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ naibrd_1553_RtAddrRelatch()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtAddrRelatch ( int16_t device)

If RT_ADR_LAT is set high in the Misc Bits Auxiliary register (0x2), this function re-latches the RT address based on the current state of the external RT address pins. Use this function to make the device re-read the external RT address pins to reset the RT address of the device. If RT_ADR_LAT is set high, changing the state of the external pins by itself will not change the RT address of the device.

device: (Input) Logical Device Number (0-31).
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_DEVICE_NUMBER when incorrect device number was input
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_MODE when device is not set in RT or RT/MT mode
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_STATE when device is in an invalid state

◆ naibrd_1553_RtGetAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtGetAddr ( int16_t device,
naibrd_1553_rt_address_t * p_outrtAddress )

Retrieves the RT address.

device: (Input) Logical Device Number (0-31).
p_outrtAddress: (Output) Remote Terminal address assigned to the device (0-31).
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the device has been initialized successfully
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_DEVICE_NUMBER when incorrect device number was input
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_MODE when device is not set in RT or RT/MT mode
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_STATE when device is in an invalid state
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_PARAMETER when p_outrtAddress pointer is null

◆ naibrd_1553_RtGetAddrSrc()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtGetAddrSrc ( int16_t device,
naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t * p_outrtAddressSource )

Gets RT address source (external or internal).

device: (Input) Logical Device Number (0-31).
p_outrtAddressSource: (Output) Retrieved RT Address Source (NAIBRD_1553_RT_ADDR_SOURCE_INTERNAL, NAIBRD_1553_RT_ADDR_SOURCE_EXTERNAL).
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_DEVICE_NUMBER when incorrect device number was input
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_MODE when device is not set in RT or RT/MT mode
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_STATE when device is in an invalid state
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_PARAMETER when p_outrtAddressSource is null

◆ naibrd_1553_RtSetAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtSetAddr ( int16_t device,
naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rtAddress )

This function is used to set the RT address if the RT address source is set to Internal.

device: (Input) Logical Device Number (0-31).
rtAddress: (Input) Remote Terminal address to be assigned to the device (0-31).
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the device has been initialized successfully
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_DEVICE_NUMBER when incorrect device number was input
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_MODE when device is not set in RT or RT/MT mode
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_STATE when device is in an invalid state
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_PARAMETER when value of rtAddress is invalid
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_LIMITED_DEVICE when limited-performance device is not using RT 24
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_WRITE_ERROR when setting of the RT address failed

◆ naibrd_1553_RtSetAddrSrc()

NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI naibrd_1553_RtSetAddrSrc ( int16_t device,
naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t rtAddressSource )

Set RT address source as either internal or external. This function is not supported for FTJ/FTK modules.

device: (Input) Logical Device Number (0-31).
rtAddressSource: (Input) RT Address Source (NAIBRD_1553_RT_ADDR_SOURCE_INTERNAL, NAIBRD_1553_RT_ADDR_SOURCE_EXTERNAL).
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_DEVICE_NUMBER when incorrect device number was input
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_MODE when device is not set in RT or RT/MT mode
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_STATE when device is in an invalid state
  • NAIBRD_1553_RC_INVALID_PARAMETER when rtAddressSource is an invalid value