Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_RTD_SetBitOpenInterval (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t bitopeninterval)
 Sets the time interval between successive BIT/open detection tests. Writing '0' disables BIT/open detection. The time interval LSB is 1.024 msec for RT1. For Gen 5 modules, this function applies to X1 modules only and is not supported for Gen 5 X2 modules. For Gen 5 X2 modules, the BIT/Open interval is fixed at 30 seconds, or optionally suspended.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_RTD_GetBitOpenInterval (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t *p_outbitopeninterval)
 Retrieves the time interval between successive BIT/open detection tests. Writing '0' disables BIT/open detection. The time interval LSB is 1.024 msec for RT1. For Gen 5 modules, this function applies to X1 modules only and is not supported for Gen 5 X2 modules. For Gen 5 X2 modules, the BIT/Open interval is fixed at 30 seconds.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ naibrd_RTD_GetBitOpenInterval()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_RTD_GetBitOpenInterval ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
uint32_t * p_outbitopeninterval )

Retrieves the time interval between successive BIT/open detection tests. Writing '0' disables BIT/open detection. The time interval LSB is 1.024 msec for RT1. For Gen 5 modules, this function applies to X1 modules only and is not supported for Gen 5 X2 modules. For Gen 5 X2 modules, the BIT/Open interval is fixed at 30 seconds.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
p_outbitopeninterval: (Output) BIT/open detection time interval. 0 to disable BIT/open detection.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_RTD_SetBitOpenInterval()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_RTD_SetBitOpenInterval ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
uint32_t bitopeninterval )

Sets the time interval between successive BIT/open detection tests. Writing '0' disables BIT/open detection. The time interval LSB is 1.024 msec for RT1. For Gen 5 modules, this function applies to X1 modules only and is not supported for Gen 5 X2 modules. For Gen 5 X2 modules, the BIT/Open interval is fixed at 30 seconds, or optionally suspended.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
bitopeninterval: (Input) BIT/open detection time interval word. 0 to disable BIT/open detection. For RT1: LSB = 1.024 ms (0x7271 = 30 seconds) Writing 0 will disable BIT/Open status detection.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.