Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
See all documentation at


 Module Properties Functions
 Standard Operation Functions
 Event Based Statuses
 Channel Based Statuses (BIT & Summary (Rx Data Available))
 Standard Control Functions
 Configuration Operation Functions
 Reset Functions
 Raw Access Functions
 Serial BIT Functions
 Serial Advanced BIT Functions
 Event Mapped Interrupt Functions
 Channel Mapped Interrupt Functions (BIT & Summary (Rx Data Available))
 Deprecated Functions
 Serial Module Legacy Functions

Detailed Description

NAI’s serial communication smart function modules provide up to 8 high-speed, programmable RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, non-isolated communication channels. Each channel is programmable for either Serial Communications (SC) protocol or General Purpose I/O (GPIO) modes as either RS-422/485 (differential) or RS-232 (single ended) hardware level interfaces. Each channel has one Transmit and one Receive signal pair (±) available as applicable. Synchronous (SYNC) communications mode (added feature) automatically configures the clock (clk) signal(s) on the companion pair channel: CH1-CH4 clk companion channels are CH5-CH8, respectively.