static bool_t | Run_DA_BasicOps (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t modId) |
| This function runs the basic operations DA program. It controls the top level menu of the DA_BasicOps program and calls Handle_DA_Configuration or Handle_DA_StandardOps, depending on what the user specifies.
static bool_t | Run_CF1DA_BasicOps (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t modId) |
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_Data (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the contents of the data register of the channel specified by the user to the value specified by the user. For Gen5 modules, the voltage or current will be set based on the current value in the op mode register. Voltage will be set if the op mode is set to voltage mode, whereas current will be set if the op mode is set to current mode.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_Mode (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the channels operation mode: Voltage or Current.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_ClearStatus (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function clears the status(es) of the channel specified by the user. Clearing the status of a channel sets the latched status bit of the given status corresponding to the given channel to 0. Statuses that can be cleared are BIT and Overcurrent statuses.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_ClearStatusAllChannels (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function clears the status(es) of all of the channels on the module. Clearing the status of a channel sets the latched status bit of the given status corresponding to the given channel to 0. Statuses that can be cleared are BIT and Overcurrent statuses.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_Range (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the voltage/current range of the channel specified by the user to the range specified by the user. For Gen5 modules, the voltage or current range will be set based on the current value in the op mode register. Voltage range will be set if the op mode is set to voltage mode, whereas current range will be set if the op mode is set to current mode.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_Polarity (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the range polarity mode of the channel specified by the user to the mode specified by the user. Note that this function does not modify the range or the op mode of any of the channels; it only sets the range mode to unipolar or bipolar based on user input.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_PowerSupply (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function enables/disables the module/channel power supply based on user input. Applies to Gen5 modules only. DA1 has one power supply for the entire module, whereas DA3 has a power supply for each channel on the module. The user can enable or disable the module power supply of a DA1 module or enable or disable any of the power supplies of the channels of a DA3 module.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_EnableOutput (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function enables/disables the module/channel's output based on user input. Applies to Gen5 modules only. DA1 has one power supply for the entire module, whereas DA3 has a power supply for each channel on the module. The user can enable or disable the module power supply of a DA1 module or enable or disable any of the power supplies of the channels of a DA3 module.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_UpdateRate (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the update rate for the module. The user is prompted for the value in Hz. If the value is within range for the specific D/A used, then the range will be set, otherwise the original setting will not be affected.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_TestEnable (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_CheckPowerOnBIT (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| Handle_DA_CheckPowerOnBIT() Checks to see if the power-on BIT test has been run on the module. If the PBIT test has run, it checks the result of the test and reports it back.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_FloatingPointMode (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function enables/disables the hardware floating-point conversion mode of the DA module, as specified by the user.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_FloatingPointOffset (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the hardware floating-point conversion mode offset for the DA channel specified by the user. This function is only applicable when the hardware floating-point conversion mode for the module is enabled.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_FloatingPointScaleFactor (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the hardware floating-point conversion mode scale factor for the DA channel specified by the user. This function is only applicable when the hardware floating-point conversion mode for the module is enabled.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_BITThresholds (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| Handle_DA_BITThresholds() allows the user to set and get the BIT error thresholds. This is an advanced feature.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_ChannelStatusEnable (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function Enables\Disables the reporting of the Channel Status. When enabled, the user will get status updates. When disabled, the statuses will not report and status-based interrupts will not assert.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_WriteThru (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_Strobe (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_WatchDogQuietTime (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the watchdog quiet time for the module. The user is prompted for the value in ms.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_WatchDogWindowTime (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function sets the watchdog window time for the module. The user is prompted for the value in ms.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_DisplayWatchdog (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function displays the DA Watchdog Operations data.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_StrobeWatchdog (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function will start a thread to continuously strobe the watchdog. The user is prompted for the value in ms. NOTE: When this thread/application exits the module will shut off all outputs and will need to be power cycled in order to be operational.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_kill_WDStrobe_Thread (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function will terminate the WD strobing thread. Module will shut off outputs at this state and will need to be power cycled to be operational.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_WatchdogShowMenu (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *params) |
| This function displays the menu for watchdog commands.
static void | naiapp_kill_WDStrobe_Thread () |
| This function will terminate the WD strobing thread. Module will shut off outputs at this state and will need to be power cycled to be operational.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_ModulePowerResetMenu (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| Configure_DA_ModulePowerResetMenu displays the menu for module power reset commands.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_ClearModulePowerResetStatus (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| Configure_DA_ClearModulePowerResetStatus handles the user request to clear the module power reset status and calls the method in the naibrd library to clear the module power reset status. The user is prompted for the module power reset status type to clear.
static nai_status_t | Handle_DA_SetModulePowerReset (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| Configure_DA_SetModulePowerReset handles the user request to set the module power reset request and calls the method in the naibrd library to set the module power reset request. The user is prompted for the module power reset request type to set, and then the user is prompted to set or reset the request bit.
void | DA_DisplayData (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t maxchan, uint32_t modId) |
| This function displays the DA Standard Operations data.
DWORD WINAPI | WD_Strobe_ThreadEntryPoint (LPVOID param) void *WD_Strobe_ThreadEntryPoint(void *param) static int WD_Strobe_ThreadEntryPoint(int32_t param) |
| This function will continuously loop, strobing the watchdog every QuietTime + Window/2.
void * | WD_Strobe_ThreadEntryPoint (void *arg) |
static int | WD_Strobe_ThreadEntryPoint (int32_t nParam) |
int32_t | DA_BasicOps (void) |
| The purpose of the DA_BasicOps is to illustrate the methods to call in the naibrd library to perform basic operations with the DA modules for configuration setup, controlling the drive outputs, and reading the channels.