Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
See all documentation at
naibrd_da.c File Reference


static int32_t GetChannelCount (uint32_t modId)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChannel (uint32_t modId, int32_t channel)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedStatusType (naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedLatchStatusType (naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyModeType (naibrd_da_mode_t mode)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyPolarityType (naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyRawType (naibrd_da_raw_t type)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChannelRawType (naibrd_da_channel_raw_t type)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyFloatingPointAttributeType (naibrd_da_floating_point_attribute_t attribute)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfo (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, uint32_t rawRangePolarity, uint32_t *p_rangeIndex, naibrd_da_polarity_t *p_outpolarity, float64_t *p_outrange)
static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfoRaw (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity, float64_t range, uint32_t *p_rangeIndex, uint32_t *p_outrangePolarity)
NAIBRDFUNC int32_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChannelCount (uint32_t modId)
 Returns the number of channels for the specified D/A Module ID.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetData (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, float64_t data)
 Sets the output voltage, current, or engineering uints (depending on the channel's operation mode) for the specified D/A channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetData (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, float64_t *p_outdata)
 Retrieves the output voltage, current or engineering units (depending on the channel's operation mode) for the specified D/A channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWrapVoltage (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *p_outvoltage)
 Retrieves the wrap voltage (internally measured voltage, or engineering units in FloatingPoint mode) for the specified D/A channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWrapCurrent (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *p_outcurrent)
 Retrieves the wrap current (measured current, or engineering units in FloatingPoint mode) from the specified D/A channel data register.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, nai_status_bit_t *p_outstatusBit)
 Retrieves the specified D/A Status for the specified channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ClearChanMappedStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType)
 Clears the latched or realtime status for the specified DA channel and status type.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetEnablePowerSupply (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Enables/Disables the power supply for the channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetEnablePowerSupply (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *p_outenable)
 Retrieves the state of the power supply of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetOutputEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Sets the channels enable output bit in the enable output register. Allows channel to output. This function is for DA2 only.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetOutputEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *p_outenable)
 Gets the channels enable output bit in the enable output register. Shows if channel can output. This function is for DA2 only.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetInternalVoltage (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *p_outinternalVoltage)
 Gets the internal voltage reading off the channel. This function is only for DA2.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChanStatusEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Enables/disables status reporting for the specified DA channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanStatusEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outenable)
 Retrieves the enabled/disabled state of status reporting for the specified DA channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetRangePolarity (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity, float64_t range)
 Sets the range and polarity for the specified D/A channel. There is no current mode for DA2.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarity (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t *p_outpolarity, float64_t *p_outrange)
 Retrieves the range and polarity for the specified D/A channel. There is no current mode for DA2.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetOpMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t opMode)
 Sets the specified channel on the D/A into Voltage, or Current mode. Voltage mode is the standard and default operating mode. Current mode allows the user to specify a FIXED current output which will vary the voltage as necessary to maintain this output current. Feature available only on DA1 and DA3 modules.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetOpMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_mode_t *p_outopMode)
 Retrieves the mode set on the specified channel on the D/A (Voltage Mode, or Current Mode). Voltage mode is the standard and default operating mode. Current mode allows the user to specify a FIXED current output which will vary the voltage as necessary to maintain this output current. Feature available only on DA1 and DA3 modules.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetUpdateRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t rateHz)
 Sets the update rate (sample rate) in Hz for the module. All channels use the same rate.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetUpdateRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t *p_outrateHz)
 Retrieves the update rate (sample rate) in Hz for the module. All channels use the same rate.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetFloatingPointAttribute (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_floating_point_attribute_t attribute, float64_t value)
 Sets the HW floating point offset for the specified D/A channel. This feature is only applicable when the HW floating point conversion mode is enabled (See naibrd_SetFloatingPointModeEnable()). Not all modules support HW floating point conversions, please refer to the module's HW specification for details.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetFloatingPointAttribute (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_floating_point_attribute_t attribute, float64_t *p_outvalue)
 Retrieves the HW floating point offset for the specified D/A channel. This feature is only applicable when the HW floating point conversion mode is enabled (See naibrd_SetFloatingPointModeEnable()). Not all modules support HW floating point conversions, please refer to the module's HW specification for details.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ResetOverload (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module)
 Resets all D/A channels on the specified module that had been disabled following an over-load condition. Note: The over-load condition is reset by writing to the Overcurrent register.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetModuleBITEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_test_type_t type, bool_t bitEnable)
 Enables/Disables the BIT test specified by the type parameter. BITs are described as follows:
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetModuleBITEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_test_type_t type, bool_t *p_outbitEnable)
 Retrieves the state (Enabled or disabled) of the BIT test specified by the type parameter. BITs are described as follows:
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_CheckPowerOnBITComplete (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, bool_t *p_outpbitComplete)
 Retrieves the Power-On BIT (PBIT) status (complete or incomplete) for the specified module. The PBIT result will be in the BIT status register.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetModuleBITErrorThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t threshold)
 Sets the BIT Error Threshold for continuous BIT conditions. The Error Threshold is a scalar for the internal BIT +2/-1 counter. To filter our momentary or intermittent anomalies in background BIT errors, this value can be increased to allow the error the "come and go" before the BIT status is flagged.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetModuleBITErrorThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t *p_outthreshold)
 Retrieves the BIT Error Threshold for continuous BIT conditions. The Error Threshold is a scalar for the internal BIT +2/-1 counter. To filter our momentary or intermittent anomalies in background BIT errors, this value can be increased to allow the error the "come and go" before the BIT status is flagged.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ClearModuleBITLogic (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel)
 Resets the Continuous BIT internal circuitry and counter mechanism for the specified channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChanMappedInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, bool_t enable)
 Sets the D/A BIT or Overcurrent Status Interrupt Enable state for the specified D/A channel. BIT Status and Overcurrent Status is part of the background testing. When the interrupt is enabled, a non-compliant channel will trigger an interrupt. By default, interrupts are disabled.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, bool_t *p_outenable)
 Retrieves the D/A BIT or Overcurrent Status Interrupt Enable state for the specified D/A channel. BIT Status and Overcurrent Status is part of the background testing. When the interrupt is enabled, a non-compliant channel will trigger an interrupt. By default, interrupts are disabled.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChanMappedInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, uint32_t vector)
 Sets the Interrupt Vector associated with a Status Type for the specified D/A module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, uint32_t *p_outvector)
 Retrieves a Interrupt Vector associated with a Status Type for the specified D/A module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChanMappedInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, naibrd_int_steering_t steering)
 Sets the Interrupt Steering which indicates the interrupt direction for the specified channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, naibrd_int_steering_t *p_outsteering)
 Retrieves the Interrupt Steering which indicates the interrupt direction for the specified channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChanMappedInterruptTriggerType (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, naibrd_int_trigger_type_t triggerType)
 Sets the Interrupt Edge/Level register value for the specified DA channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedInterruptTriggerType (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, naibrd_int_trigger_type_t *p_outtriggerType)
 Retrieves the Interrupt Edge/Level register value for the specified DA channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ConvertToData32 (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity, float64_t range, int32_t bufferLength, const uint32_t *p_rawData, float64_t **pp_outdata)
 Calculates the voltage in volts, or current in mA, for the given mode, range and raw data.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ConvertToDataRaw32 (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity, float64_t range, int32_t bufferLength, const float64_t *p_data, uint32_t **pp_outrawData)
 Calculates the raw data for the given mode, range and voltage/current.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ConvertToRange32 (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, uint32_t rawRangePolarity, naibrd_da_polarity_t *p_outpolarity, float64_t *p_outrange)
 Returns (by reference) the unipolar/bipolar mode and voltage range associated with the D/A Module ID and raw data code.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ConvertToRangeRaw32 (uint32_t modId, naibrd_da_mode_t mode, naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity, float64_t range, uint32_t *p_outrawRangePolarity)
 Returns (by reference) the raw data code associated with the D/A Module ID and the unipolar/bipolar mode and voltage range.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_raw_t type, uint32_t rawData)
 Sets the raw data value in the register associated to the register type specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_raw_t type, uint32_t *p_outrawData)
 Retrieves the raw data value in the register associated to the register type specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetChannelRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_channel_raw_t type, uint32_t rawData)
 Sets the raw data value in the register associated to the channel and channel register type specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChannelRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_channel_raw_t type, uint32_t *p_outrawData)
 Retrieves the raw data value in the register associated to the channel and channel register type specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetChanMappedStatusRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, uint32_t *p_outstatusRaw)
 Retrieves the status of the specified type. The status of a channel is flagged and latched.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ClearChanMappedStatusRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType, uint32_t statusRaw)
 Clears the status of the specified type. Note: The result of attempting to clear a realtime status may be unpredictable.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGen_BurstNum (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t burstNum)
 Sets the number of cycles to output in the PatternGen burst mode for the specified D/A module. The set value is applicable for enhanced IO PatternGen burst mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGen_BurstNum (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t *outburstNum)
 Retrieves the number of cycles set to output in the PatternGen burst mode for the specified Discrete module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenBuf (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t dataPatternLen, uint32_t *dataPattern)
 Sets the pattern for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenBuf (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t dataPatternLen, uint32_t *dataPattern)
 Retrieves the pattern for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenStartAddr (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t startAddress)
 Sets the starting address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenStartAddr (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t *outstartAddress)
 Gets the starting address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenEndAddr (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t endAddress)
 Sets the Ending address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenEndAddr (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t *outendAddress)
 Gets the Ending address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrl (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_pattern_ctrl_t patternControl, bool_t controlState)
 Sets the state for the RAM Pattern Generator for the selected control bit on the module. Options are enable and disable.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrl (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_pattern_ctrl_t patternControl, bool_t *outcontrolState)
 Gets the state for the RAM Pattern Generator for the selected control bit on the module. Options are enable and disable.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrlRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t controlRaw)
 Sets the control bits for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrlRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t *outcontrolRaw)
 Retrieves the control bits for RAM Pattern Generator.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetUseMemory (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t useMemory)
 Sets the use memory setting for the DA module and channel specified. The use memory register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. Writing a ѱҠto Use Memory will allow the DAC output to come from the memory. Writing a ѰҠto Use Memory will not utilize the memory space and the DAC output will reflect the value written in DAC Value.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetUseMemory (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outusememory)
 Retrieves the use memory setting for the DA module and channel specified. The use memory register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. Writing a ѱҠto Use Memory will allow the DAC output to come from the memory. Writing a ѰҠto Use Memory will not utilize the memory space and the DAC output will reflect the value written in DAC Value.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetRAMFIFOMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t ramfifomode)
 Sets the RAM/FIFO Mode setting for the DA module and channel specified. The RAM/FIFO Mode register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. If a ѱҠis written in the RAM/FIFO Mode register, the memory will be used as a FIFO; otherwise it is used as RAM.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetRAMFIFOMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outramfifomode)
 Retrieves the RAM/FIFO Mode setting for the DA module and channel specified. The RAM/FIFO Mode register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. If a ѱҠis written in the RAM/FIFO Mode register, the memory will be used as a FIFO; otherwise it is used as RAM.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetUseFifo (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t usefifo)
 Sets the channels bit in the using fifo register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true the fifo for that channel is active. When set to false it is not.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetUseFifo (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outusefifo)
 Gets the channels bit in the using fifo register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true the fifo for that channel is active. When set to false it is not.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetFifoLoopMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t loopmode)
 Sets the channel's bit in the fifo loop mode register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true, the fifo for that channel is in loop mode. When set to false it is not.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetFifoLoopMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outloopmode)
 Retrieves the channel's bit in the fifo loop mode register (1 = true, 0 = false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true, the fifo for that channel is in loop mode. When set to false it is not.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetWatchdogQuietTime (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t quietTime)
 Sets the quiet time duration for the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer is comprised of two parts: quiet time, and window. The quiet time is the time where a strobe is NOT expected to occur, and the window is the time where a SINGLE strobe is expected. A strobe is made by the application by calling naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe().
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWatchdogQuietTime (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t *p_outquietTime)
 Sets the quiet time duration for the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer is comprised of two parts: quiet time, and window. The quiet time is the time where a strobe is NOT expected to occur, and the window is the time where a SINGLE strobe is expected. A strobe is made by the application by calling naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe().
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetWatchdogWindow (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t window)
 Sets the window that a call to naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe() will be made. If a call to naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe() is not made by the application within the 'window' ('quiet time' + 'window'), the Watchdog Timer Fault will occur.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWatchdogWindow (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t *p_outwindow)
 Retrieves the window that a call to naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe() will be made. If a call to naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe() is not made by the application within the 'window' ('quiet time' + 'window'), the Watchdog Timer Fault will occur.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_WatchdogStrobe (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module)
 Strobes the Watchdog Timer. A SINGLE call to this function MUST be made by the application within the 'window' or a Watchdog Timer Fault will occur.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetModulePowerResetStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_module_power_reset_status_type_t modulePowerResetStatusType, bool_t *p_outmodulePowerResetStatusBit)
 Retrieves the bit specified by the module power reset status type from the module power reset status register for the specified D/A module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_ClearModulePowerResetStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_module_power_reset_status_type_t modulePowerResetStatusType)
 Clears the bit specified by the module power reset status type in the module power reset status register for the specified D/A module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetModulePowerReset (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_module_power_reset_type_t modulePowerResetType, bool_t modulePowerResetBit)
 Sets the bit specified by the module power reset type in the module power reset register for the specified D/A module. If the bit was set, the hardware will acknowledge it by setting the corresponding bit back to 0.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetModulePowerReset (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_module_power_reset_type_t modulePowerResetType, bool_t *p_outmodulePowerResetBit)
 Retrieves the bit specified by the module power reset type from the module power reset register for the specified D/A module.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerVoltage (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outvoltage)
 Retrieves the external power supply's voltage for the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerCurrent (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outcurrentmA)
 Retrieves the external power supply's current (mAmps) for the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetCurrentLimit (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t currentLimit)
 Set the channel's current limit (mAmps) for the overcurrent status. An overcurrent status will be set when the channel's current exceeds this limit.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetCurrentLimit (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outcurrentLimit)
 Retrieves the channel's current limit (mAmps) for the overcurrent status. An overcurrent status will be set when the channel's current exceeds this limit.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetFullBridgeMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t fullBridgeMode)
 Sets Full-Bridge mode on the DA5. Half-Bridge is set by default where each channel works independently. Full-Bridge pairs two channels together and the output is the differential between them. Full-Bridge pairs an odd and even channel together, using the odd channels controls to control the output. For example, setting Full-Bridge mode on channel 1 bridges channel 1 and channel 2 together where the output is the differential between channels 1 and 2 and controlled by channel 1.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetFullBridgeMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outfullBridgeMode)
 Retrieves the Full-Bridge mode for the channel. Half-Bridge is set by default where each channel works independently. Full-Bridge pairs two channels together and the output is the differential between them. Full-Bridge pairs an odd and even channel together, using the odd channels controls to control the output. For example, setting Full-Bridge mode on channel 1 bridges channel 1 and channel 2 together where the output is the differential between channels 1 and 2 and controlled by channel 1.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetControlLoop (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_control_loop_t controlLoopCfg, float64_t controlLoopValue)
 Sets the value for the control loop parameter and channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetControlLoop (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, naibrd_da_control_loop_t controlLoopCfg, float64_t *outcontrolLoopValue)
 Retrieves the value for the control loop parameter and channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetDriveTemperature (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outtempC)
 Retrieves the drive circuits temperature (in Celsius) for the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t minThresholdV)
 Sets the minimum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage lower than the minimum voltage, the External Power Under Voltage status will be set.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outminThresholdV)
 Retrieves the minimum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage lower than the minimum voltage, the External Power Under Voltage status will be set.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t maxThresholdV)
 Sets the maximum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage higher than the maximum voltage threshold, the External Power Over Voltage status will be set.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, float64_t *outmaxThresholdV)
 Retrieves the maximum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage higher than the maximum voltage threshold, the External Power Over Voltage status will be set.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetWriteThroughMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, bool_t writeThroughEnable)
 Sets the state of the write-through mode to enabled or disabled.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWriteThroughMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, bool_t *outwriteThroughEnable)
 Retrieves the state of the write-through mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_UpdateStrobe (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module)
 Strobes (updates) all outputs to the value stored in the data registers. The outputs will update once per call.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetTestEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_test_type_t type, bool_t enable)
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetTestEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_da_test_type_t type, bool_t *p_outenable)


static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_data [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_DATA_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_polarity_and_range [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_POL_AND_RANGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_wrap [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_WRAP_AROUND_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_current [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_CURRENT_READING_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_floating_point [][NAIBRD_DA1_MAX_CHANNELS]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_data [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_DATA_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_VOLTAGE_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_polarity_and_range [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_CURRENT_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_current [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_WRAP_CURRENT_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_voltage [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_WRAP_VOLTAGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_internal_voltage [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_INTERNAL_VOLTAGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_limit [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_CURRENT_LIMIT
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_control [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_CONTROL_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address_reg [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_START_ADDRESS_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address_reg [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_END_ADDRESS_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_number_of_cycles [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_NUMBER_OF_CYCLES_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_PATTERN_RAM_SPACE_START
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_PATTERN_RAM_SPACE_END
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_floating_point [][NAIBRD_DA_MAX_CHANNELS]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_voltage [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_EXT_POWER_VOLTAGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_current [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_EXT_POWER_CURRENT_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_control_loop [NAIBRD_DA_CTRL_LOOP_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT][NAIBRD_DA5_MAX_CHANNELS]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_drive_temp [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_DRIVE_TEMP_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_min_ext_supply_voltage [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_MIN_EXT_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_max_ext_supply_voltage [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_MAX_EXT_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_data [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_CF1_REG_DATA_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range [] = NAI_DA_GEN5_CF1_REG_VOLTAGE_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da1_reg_status [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da2_reg_status [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da3_reg_status [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da4_reg_status [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da5_reg_status [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_int_enable [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_int_vector_steering [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_edge_level_int [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da1_reg_raw [NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da2_reg_raw [NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da3_reg_raw [NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t da_gen5_da5_reg_raw [NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t * da_gen5_da1_reg_chan_raw [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t * da_gen5_da2_reg_chan_raw [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t * da_gen5_da3_reg_chan_raw [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t * da_gen5_da5_reg_chan_raw [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
static const uint32_t * da_gen5_cf1_reg_chan_raw [NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]

Function Documentation

◆ GetChannelCount()

static int32_t GetChannelCount ( uint32_t modId)

◆ naibrd_DA_GetControlLoop()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetControlLoop ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
naibrd_da_control_loop_t controlLoopCfg,
float64_t * outcontrolLoopValue )

Retrieves the value for the control loop parameter and channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
controlLoopCfg: (Input) either NAI_DA_CTRL_LOOP_KP or NAI_DA_CTRL_LOOP_KI.
outcontrolLoopValue: (Input) NAI_TRUE = FullBridge, NAI_FALSE = HalfBridge (normal mode).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetCurrentLimit()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetCurrentLimit ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outcurrentLimit )

Retrieves the channel's current limit (mAmps) for the overcurrent status. An overcurrent status will be set when the channel's current exceeds this limit.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outcurrentLimit: (Output) Current limit in mAmps.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetDriveTemperature()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetDriveTemperature ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outtempC )

Retrieves the drive circuits temperature (in Celsius) for the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outtempC: (Output) Circuits drive temp in Celsius.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerCurrent()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerCurrent ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outcurrentmA )

Retrieves the external power supply's current (mAmps) for the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outcurrentmA: (Output) External Power supply's current in mAmps.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outmaxThresholdV )

Retrieves the maximum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage higher than the maximum voltage threshold, the External Power Over Voltage status will be set.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outmaxThresholdV: (Output) maximum external power voltage threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outminThresholdV )

Retrieves the minimum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage lower than the minimum voltage, the External Power Under Voltage status will be set.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outminThresholdV: (Output) minimum external power voltage threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerVoltage()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetExtPowerVoltage ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t * outvoltage )

Retrieves the external power supply's voltage for the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outvoltage: (Output) External Power supply's voltage.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetFifoLoopMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetFifoLoopMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outloopmode )

Retrieves the channel's bit in the fifo loop mode register (1 = true, 0 = false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true, the fifo for that channel is in loop mode. When set to false it is not.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outloopmode: (Output) FIFO Loop Mode.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetFullBridgeMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetFullBridgeMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outfullBridgeMode )

Retrieves the Full-Bridge mode for the channel. Half-Bridge is set by default where each channel works independently. Full-Bridge pairs two channels together and the output is the differential between them. Full-Bridge pairs an odd and even channel together, using the odd channels controls to control the output. For example, setting Full-Bridge mode on channel 1 bridges channel 1 and channel 2 together where the output is the differential between channels 1 and 2 and controlled by channel 1.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outfullBridgeMode: (Output) NAI_TRUE = FullBridge, NAI_FALSE = HalfBridge (normal mode).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGen_BurstNum()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGen_BurstNum ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t * outburstNum )

Retrieves the number of cycles set to output in the PatternGen burst mode for the specified Discrete module.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outburstNum: (Output)Number of cycles to output upon trigger, in PatternGen burst mode.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenBuf()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenBuf ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t dataPatternLen,
uint32_t * dataPattern )

Retrieves the pattern for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
dataPatternLen: (Input) Length of buffer holding RAM Pattern .
dataPattern: (Input) Buffer holding RAM Pattern .
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid format type parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrl()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrl ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
naibrd_da_pattern_ctrl_t patternControl,
bool_t * outcontrolState )

Gets the state for the RAM Pattern Generator for the selected control bit on the module. Options are enable and disable.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
patternControl: (Input) Bit Type: refer to nai_dt_pattern_ctrl_t definition.
outcontrolState: (Input) Enable/Disable: refer to nai_dt_enable_t.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrlRaw()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenCtrlRaw ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t * outcontrolRaw )

Retrieves the control bits for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outcontrolRaw: (Output) RAM Pattern control bits .
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenEndAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenEndAddr ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t * outendAddress )

Gets the Ending address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outendAddress: (Output) Ending Address to output RAM pattern generator data from.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenStartAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetPatternGenStartAddr ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t * outstartAddress )

Gets the starting address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outstartAddress: (Output) Starting Address to output RAM pattern generator data from.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetRAMFIFOMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetRAMFIFOMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outramfifomode )

Retrieves the RAM/FIFO Mode setting for the DA module and channel specified. The RAM/FIFO Mode register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. If a ѱҠis written in the RAM/FIFO Mode register, the memory will be used as a FIFO; otherwise it is used as RAM.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outramfifomode: (Output) RAM/FIFO Mode setting read from register. 1 for FIFO Mode, 0 for RAM mode.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfo()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfo ( uint32_t modId,
naibrd_da_mode_t mode,
uint32_t rawRangePolarity,
uint32_t * p_rangeIndex,
naibrd_da_polarity_t * p_outpolarity,
float64_t * p_outrange )

◆ naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfoRaw()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_GetRangePolarityInfoRaw ( uint32_t modId,
naibrd_da_mode_t mode,
naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity,
float64_t range,
uint32_t * p_rangeIndex,
uint32_t * p_outrangePolarity )

◆ naibrd_DA_GetUseFifo()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetUseFifo ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outusefifo )

Gets the channels bit in the using fifo register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true the fifo for that channel is active. When set to false it is not.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outusefifo: (Output) Value read from using fifo register. 1(true) , 0(false)
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetUseMemory()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetUseMemory ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outusememory )

Retrieves the use memory setting for the DA module and channel specified. The use memory register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. Writing a ѱҠto Use Memory will allow the DAC output to come from the memory. Writing a ѰҠto Use Memory will not utilize the memory space and the DAC output will reflect the value written in DAC Value.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outusememory: (Output) Use memory setting read from register. 1 = using memory space, 0 = using register values
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_GetWriteThroughMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_GetWriteThroughMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
bool_t * outwriteThroughEnable )

Retrieves the state of the write-through mode.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
outwriteThroughEnable: (Output) NAI_TRUE = enabled, NAI_FALSE = disabled.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetControlLoop()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetControlLoop ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
naibrd_da_control_loop_t controlLoopCfg,
float64_t controlLoopValue )

Sets the value for the control loop parameter and channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
controlLoopCfg: (Input) either NAI_DA_CTRL_LOOP_KP or NAI_DA_CTRL_LOOP_KI.
controlLoopValue: (Input) NAI_TRUE = FullBridge, NAI_FALSE = HalfBridge (normal mode).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetCurrentLimit()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetCurrentLimit ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t currentLimit )

Set the channel's current limit (mAmps) for the overcurrent status. An overcurrent status will be set when the channel's current exceeds this limit.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
currentLimit: (Input) Current limit in mAmps.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMaxVoltageThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t maxThresholdV )

Sets the maximum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage higher than the maximum voltage threshold, the External Power Over Voltage status will be set.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outmaxThresholdV: (Input) maximum external power voltage threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetExtPowerMinVoltageThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
float64_t minThresholdV )

Sets the minimum voltage threshold for the external power for the channel specified. When the module detects a voltage lower than the minimum voltage, the External Power Under Voltage status will be set.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
minThresholdV: (Input) minimum external power voltage threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetFifoLoopMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetFifoLoopMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t loopmode )

Sets the channel's bit in the fifo loop mode register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true, the fifo for that channel is in loop mode. When set to false it is not.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
loopmode: (Input) FIFO Loop Mode.
  • NAI_SUCCESS when the function is completed successfully.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetFullBridgeMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetFullBridgeMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t fullBridgeMode )

Sets Full-Bridge mode on the DA5. Half-Bridge is set by default where each channel works independently. Full-Bridge pairs two channels together and the output is the differential between them. Full-Bridge pairs an odd and even channel together, using the odd channels controls to control the output. For example, setting Full-Bridge mode on channel 1 bridges channel 1 and channel 2 together where the output is the differential between channels 1 and 2 and controlled by channel 1.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
fullBridgeMode: (Input) NAI_TRUE = FullBridge, NAI_FALSE = HalfBridge (normal mode).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid mode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGen_BurstNum()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGen_BurstNum ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t burstNum )

Sets the number of cycles to output in the PatternGen burst mode for the specified D/A module. The set value is applicable for enhanced IO PatternGen burst mode.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
burstNum: (Input)Number of cycles to output upon trigger, in PatternGen burst mode.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenBuf()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenBuf ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t dataPatternLen,
uint32_t * dataPattern )

Sets the pattern for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
dataPatternLen: (Input) Length of buffer holding RAM Pattern .
dataPattern: (Input) Buffer holding RAM Pattern .
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid format type parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrl()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrl ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
naibrd_da_pattern_ctrl_t patternControl,
bool_t controlState )

Sets the state for the RAM Pattern Generator for the selected control bit on the module. Options are enable and disable.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
patternControl: (Input) Bit Type: refer to nai_dt_pattern_ctrl_t definition.
controlState: (Input) Enable/Disable: refer to nai_dt_enable_t.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrlRaw()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenCtrlRaw ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t controlRaw )

Sets the control bits for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
controlRaw: (Input) RAM Pattern Control bits.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenEndAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenEndAddr ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t endAddress )

Sets the Ending address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
endAddress: (Input) Ending Address to output RAM pattern generator data from.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenStartAddr()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetPatternGenStartAddr ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t startAddress )

Sets the starting address to look at for RAM Pattern Generator.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
startaddress: (Input) Starting Address to output RAM pattern generator data from.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetRAMFIFOMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetRAMFIFOMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t ramfifomode )

Sets the RAM/FIFO Mode setting for the DA module and channel specified. The RAM/FIFO Mode register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. If a ѱҠis written in the RAM/FIFO Mode register, the memory will be used as a FIFO; otherwise it is used as RAM.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
ramfifomode: (Input) RAM/FIFO Mode setting to set. 1 for FIFO, 0 for RAM.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetUseFifo()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetUseFifo ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t usefifo )

Sets the channels bit in the using fifo register to 1(true) or 0(false). This function is only for DA2. When set to true the fifo for that channel is active. When set to false it is not.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
usefifo: (input) true = using channels fifo. False = not using channels fifo.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetUseMemory()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetUseMemory ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t useMemory )

Sets the use memory setting for the DA module and channel specified. The use memory register is bitmapped per channel, with the LSB corresponding to channel 1, and the MSB corresponding to the max channel. Writing a ѱҠto Use Memory will allow the DAC output to come from the memory. Writing a ѰҠto Use Memory will not utilize the memory space and the DAC output will reflect the value written in DAC Value.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
usememory: (Input) Use memory setting to set. 1 to use memory space, 0 to use register values
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_SetWriteThroughMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_SetWriteThroughMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
bool_t writeThroughEnable )

Sets the state of the write-through mode to enabled or disabled.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
writeThroughEnable: (Input) NAI_TRUE to enable, NAI_FALSE to disable.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_UpdateStrobe()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_DA_UpdateStrobe ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module )

Strobes (updates) all outputs to the value stored in the data registers. The outputs will update once per call.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connection with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_OPEN when handle to board is invalid.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedLatchStatusType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedLatchStatusType ( naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedStatusType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChanMappedStatusType ( naibrd_da_chan_mapped_status_type_t statusType)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyChannel()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChannel ( uint32_t modId,
int32_t channel )

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyChannelRawType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyChannelRawType ( naibrd_da_channel_raw_t type)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyFloatingPointAttributeType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyFloatingPointAttributeType ( naibrd_da_floating_point_attribute_t attribute)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyModeType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyModeType ( naibrd_da_mode_t mode)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyPolarityType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyPolarityType ( naibrd_da_polarity_t polarity)

◆ naibrd_DA_VerifyRawType()

static nai_status_t naibrd_DA_VerifyRawType ( naibrd_da_raw_t type)

Variable Documentation

◆ da_gen5_cf1_reg_chan_raw

const uint32_t* da_gen5_cf1_reg_chan_raw[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:
static const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:147
static const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_data[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:146

◆ da_gen5_cf1_reg_data

const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_data[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_CF1_REG_DATA_ADD

◆ da_gen5_cf1_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range

const uint32_t da_gen5_cf1_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_CF1_REG_VOLTAGE_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_da1_reg_chan_raw

const uint32_t* da_gen5_da1_reg_chan_raw[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_polarity_and_range[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:97
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_data[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:96
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_current[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:99
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_wrap[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:98

◆ da_gen5_da1_reg_raw

const uint32_t da_gen5_da1_reg_raw[NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da1_reg_status

const uint32_t da_gen5_da1_reg_status[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da2_reg_chan_raw

const uint32_t* da_gen5_da2_reg_chan_raw[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:111
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_current[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:113
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_voltage[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:114
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_internal_voltage[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:115
static const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_data[]
Definition naibrd_da.c:110

◆ da_gen5_da2_reg_raw

const uint32_t da_gen5_da2_reg_raw[NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da2_reg_status

const uint32_t da_gen5_da2_reg_status[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da3_reg_chan_raw

const uint32_t* da_gen5_da3_reg_chan_raw[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da3_reg_raw

const uint32_t da_gen5_da3_reg_raw[NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da3_reg_status

const uint32_t da_gen5_da3_reg_status[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da4_reg_status

const uint32_t da_gen5_da4_reg_status[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da5_reg_chan_raw

const uint32_t* da_gen5_da5_reg_chan_raw[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da5_reg_raw

const uint32_t da_gen5_da5_reg_raw[NAIBRD_DA_RAW_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_da5_reg_status

const uint32_t da_gen5_da5_reg_status[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_ms1_reg_current

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_current[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_CURRENT_READING_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms1_reg_data

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_data[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_DATA_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms1_reg_floating_point

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_floating_point[][NAIBRD_DA1_MAX_CHANNELS]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_ms1_reg_polarity_and_range

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_polarity_and_range[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_POL_AND_RANGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms1_reg_wrap

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms1_reg_wrap[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS1_REG_WRAP_AROUND_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_control_loop

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_control_loop[NAIBRD_DA_CTRL_LOOP_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT][NAIBRD_DA5_MAX_CHANNELS]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_limit

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_limit[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_CURRENT_LIMIT

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_polarity_and_range

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_current_polarity_and_range[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_CURRENT_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_data

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_data[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_DATA_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_drive_temp

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_drive_temp[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_DRIVE_TEMP_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_floating_point

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_floating_point[][NAIBRD_DA_MAX_CHANNELS]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_internal_voltage

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_internal_voltage[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_INTERNAL_VOLTAGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_max_ext_supply_voltage

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_max_ext_supply_voltage[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_MAX_EXT_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_min_ext_supply_voltage

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_min_ext_supply_voltage[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_MIN_EXT_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_current

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_current[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_EXT_POWER_CURRENT_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_voltage

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_power_voltage[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_EXT_POWER_VOLTAGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_control

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_control[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_CONTROL_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_PATTERN_RAM_SPACE_END

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address_reg

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_end_address_reg[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_END_ADDRESS_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_number_of_cycles

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_number_of_cycles[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_NUMBER_OF_CYCLES_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_PATTERN_RAM_SPACE_START

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address_reg

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_ram_start_address_reg[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_RAM_START_ADDRESS_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_voltage_polarity_and_range[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_VOLTAGE_POLARITY_AND_RANGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_current

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_current[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_WRAP_CURRENT_ADD

◆ da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_voltage

const uint32_t da_gen5_ms2_reg_wrap_voltage[] = NAI_DA_GEN5_MS2_REG_WRAP_VOLTAGE_ADD

◆ da_gen5_reg_edge_level_int

const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_edge_level_int[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_reg_int_enable

const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_int_enable[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value:

◆ da_gen5_reg_int_vector_steering

const uint32_t da_gen5_reg_int_vector_steering[NAIBRD_DA_CHAN_MAPPED_STATUS_TYPE_ENUM_COUNT]
Initial value: