Software Library API naibrd 2.24.0
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Functions | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t *p_outstatus) |
Retrieves the status for the specified RTD channel and status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_ClearStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type) |
Clears the latched status for the specified channel and status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_SetInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t statusintenab) |
Sets the RTD Interrupt Enable state corresponding to the specified RTD Status type for the specified RTD channel. BIT Status and Open Status are part of the background testing. When the interrupt is enabled, a non-compliant channel will trigger an interrupt. By default, interrupts are disabled. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t *p_outstatusintenab) |
Retrieves the RTD Interrupt Enable state corresponding to the specified RTD Status type for the specified RTD channel. BIT Status and Open Status are part of the background testing. When the interrupt is enabled, a non-compliant channel will trigger an interrupt. By default, interrupts are disabled. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_SetInterruptEdgeLevel (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, nai_rtd_interrupt_t interruptType) |
Sets the Interrupt Edge/Level property for the specified channel and interrupt status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetInterruptEdgeLevel (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, nai_rtd_interrupt_t *p_outinterruptType) |
Retrieves the Interrupt Edge/Level property for the specified channel and interrupt status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_SetInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t interruptvector) |
Sets the RTD Interrupt Vector for the specified RTD module and RTD Status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t *p_outinterruptvector) |
Retrieves the RTD Interrupt Vector for the specified RTD module and RTD Status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_SetInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, naibrd_int_steering_t steering) |
Sets the Interrupt Steering, which indicates the interrupt direction, for the specified interrupt status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, naibrd_int_steering_t *p_outsteering) |
Retrieves the Interrupt Steering, which indicates the interrupt direction, for the specified interrupt status type. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetStatusRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t *p_outstatusraw) |
Retrieves the raw status value in the register associated with the status type specified. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_ClearStatusRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t clearstatusraw) |
Clears the status for the channels specified (bit-masked) of the status type specified. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_SetInterruptEnableRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t statusintenab) |
Sets the raw interrupt enable data value in the register associated with the status type specified. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_RTD_GetInterruptEnableRaw (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, nai_rtd_status_type_t type, uint32_t *p_outstatusintenab) |
Retrieves the raw interrupt enable data value in the register associated with the status type specified. Module Summary Status: Feature supported in FPGA Version >= X.X. | |