static bool_t | SGBasicOps_run (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t modId) |
| SGBasicOps_run illustrates the channel configuration and prepares the menu which will handle user command requests. Returns NAI_TRUE if the user enters the Quit Command at any point within its scope.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_handleConfiguration (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_handleConfiguration is called if the user chooses to configure the SG module or to read the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_handleStandardOperation (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_handleStandardOperation is called if the user chooses to perform SG standard operations checks to retrieve the SG standard operations data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_toggleNumDisplay (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_toggleNumDisplay toggles the display raw hex mode.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_toggleHexModeOps (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_toggleHexModeOps toggles the display raw hex mode and then displays all of the standard operations data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_toggleHexModeConfig (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_toggleHexModeConfig toggles the display raw hex mode and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_displayChannelCfg (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_displayChannelCfg displays the configuration data for the SG module (excitation voltage, bridge configuration, PGA gain, remote/local sense mode, nominal resistance, gauge factor, poisson ratio, lead resistance, sample rate, strain alarm low threshold, strain alert low threshold, strain alert high threshold, strain alarm high threshold, imbalance offset, and internal bridge completion enable value).
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setExcitation (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setExcitation sets the excitation voltage to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setRemoteDriveSense (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setRemoteDriveSense sets the remote drive sense to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setBridgeConfig (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setBridgeConfig sets the bridge configuration to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setNominalRes (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setNominalRes sets the nominal resistance to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setGaugeFactor (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setGaugeFactor sets the gauge factor to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setPoissonRatio (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setPoissonRatio sets the poisson ratio to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setLeadRes (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setLeadRes sets the lead resistance to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setSampleRate (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setSampleRate sets the sample rate to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setStrainAlarmLo (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setStrainAlarmLo sets the strain alarm low threshold to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setStrainAlertLo (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setStrainAlertLo sets the strain alert low threshold to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setStrainAlertHi (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setStrainAlertHi sets the strain alert high threshold to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setStrainAlarmHi (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setStrainAlarmHi sets the strain alarm high threshold to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setImbalanceOffset (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setImbalanceOffset sets the imbalance offset value to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setBridgeComp (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setBridgeComp sets the internal bridge completion enabled/disabled setting to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setPGAGain (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setPGAGain sets the PGA Gain setting to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the configuration data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_displayStandardOpsData (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_displayStandardOpsData calls SGUtils_DisplayStandardOpsData to display the SG Standard Operations Table for Gen 5 SG modules.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_setChanStatusEnable (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_setChanStatusEnable sets the channel status reporting enabled/disabled setting to the value specified by the user and then displays all of the standard operations data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_resetMinMaxStrain (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_resetMinMaxStrain resets the min and max strain values stored in the module (if the user chooses to) and then displays all of the standard operations data.
static nai_status_t | SGBasicOps_clearStatus (int32_t paramCount, int32_t *p_params) |
| SGBasicOps_clearStatus clears the status corresponding to the status type specified by the user (if the user chooses to) and then displays all of the standard operations data.
int32_t | SG_BasicOps (void) |
| The purpose of the SG_BasicOps is to illustrate the methods to call in the naibrd library to perform basic operations with the SG modules for configuration setup and reading the channels.