static int32_t | GetChannelCount (uint32_t modid) |
static nai_status_t | verify_channel (uint32_t modid, int32_t channel) |
static nai_status_t | naibrd_1553BM_SendAndReceive (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t txOffset, uint32_t rxOffset, uint32_t rxCountOffset, const uint32_t *p_txBuffer, uint32_t txCount, uint32_t *p_outrxBuffer, uint32_t rxCount) |
naibrd_1553_t | device_Reset (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Message_Write (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockIdForMessage1, uint16_t bcControlWordForMessage1, uint16_t commandWord1ForMessage1, uint16_t commandWord2ForMessage1, uint16_t gapTimeForMessage1, int16_t dataBlockIdForMessage2, uint16_t bcControlWordForMessage2, uint16_t commandWord1ForMessage2, uint16_t commandWord2ForMessage2, uint16_t gapTimeForMessage2, uint32_t options, HostMessageStructure_t *p_message, const HostDataBlockStructure_t *p_dataBlock1, const HostDataBlockStructure_t *p_dataBlock2, bool_t isNewMessage) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Message_GetInformation (int16_t device, const uint16_t *p_messageBuffer, uint16_t *p_outtxTime, uint16_t *p_outtype, uint16_t *p_outdataWordsCount) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_ConfigureDefault (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Frame_Write (int16_t device, uint16_t frameId, NestingStackStructure_t *p_nestingStack) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Frame_WriteMajor (int16_t device, uint16_t frameId, NestingStackStructure_t *p_nestingStack) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Frame_WriteMinor (int16_t device, uint16_t frameId, NestingStackStructure_t *p_nestingStack) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Frame_WriteCommands (int16_t device, uint16_t frameId, NestingStackStructure_t *p_nestingStack) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Message_GetByIdRaw (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t isPurgeRequired) |
naibrd_1553_t | bc_Gpf_SetState (int16_t device, uint16_t gpfNumber, uint16_t effect) |
naibrd_1553_t | rt_Initialize (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_commandStackSize_t commandStackSize, uint32_t options) |
naibrd_1553_t | rt_Start (int16_t device) |
bool_t | rt_DataBlock_GetSubaddressLookupInformation (const HostDataBlockStructure_t *dataBlockStruct, uint16_t *p_outmappedSubaddress, uint32_t *p_outlookupAddress, uint32_t *p_outcontrolWordAddress) |
naibrd_1553_t | rt_ConfigureDefault (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | rt_Message_GetFromStackRaw (int16_t device, uint16_t *p_outbuffer, uint16_t *p_outmessageTimeTagRolloverCounter, bool_t isNextMessageRequired, bool_t isMessagePurgeRequired) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_Initialize (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_mt_stackMode_t stackMode, naibrd_1553_mt_commandStackSize_t commandStackSize, naibrd_1553_mt_dataStackSize_t dataStackSize, uint32_t mtOptions) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_ConfigureDefault (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_Start (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_ResetStack (int16_t device, MtStackStateStructure_t *targetStackState) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_ResetStacks (int16_t device) |
naibrd_1553_t | mt_Message_GetFromStackRaw (int16_t device, MtStackStateStructure_t *targetStackState, uint16_t *buffer, uint16_t *messageTimeTagRolloverCounter, bool_t isNextMessageRequired, bool_t isMessagePurgeRequired) |
void | convert32to16BitBuffer (int32_t bufferSize, const uint32_t *p_array32, uint16_t *p_outarray16) |
void | convert16to32BitBuffer (int32_t bufferSize, const uint16_t *p_array16, uint32_t *p_outarray32) |
void | pack16to32BitBuffer (int32_t bufferSize, const uint16_t *p_array16, uint32_t *p_outarray32) |
void | unpack32to16BitBuffer (int32_t bufferSize, const uint32_t *p_array32, uint16_t *p_outarray16) |
nai_status_t | M1553_WriteReg16On32Bounds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint16_t data) |
nai_status_t | M1553_ReadReg16On32Bounds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *p_outdata) |
nai_status_t | M1553_WriteRegMask16On32Bounds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint16_t mask, uint16_t data) |
nai_status_t | M1553_Write16On32Bounds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint32_t stride, uint32_t count, uint32_t width, const uint16_t *p_data) |
nai_status_t | M1553_Read16On32Bounds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint32_t stride, uint32_t count, uint32_t width, uint16_t *p_data) |
nai_status_t | M1553_WriteZeros32 (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count) |
naibrd_1553_t | Device_Memory_Initialize (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap, uint32_t ramSize) |
naibrd_1553_t | Device_Memory_TopSection_AllocateContinuity (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap, uint32_t baseRegionAddress, uint32_t bottomRegionAddress, uint32_t *p_allocationSize, uint16_t alignment, bool_t *p_isAllocationSuccessfullyAccomplished, uint32_t *p_allocationBaseAddress) |
void | Device_Memory_TopSection_FreeRegion (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap, uint32_t baseRegionAddress, uint32_t bottomRegionAddress) |
naibrd_1553_t | Device_Memory_TopSection_CatchRegion (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap, uint32_t baseRegionAddress, uint32_t bottomRegionAddress) |
naibrd_1553_t | Device_Memory_BottomSection_AllocateContinuity (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap, uint32_t *p_allocationSize, uint16_t alignment, bool_t *p_isAllocationSuccessfullyAccomplished, uint32_t *p_allocationBaseAddress) |
naibrd_1553_t | Device_Memory_BottomSection_FreeAll (HostDeviceMemoryMapStructure_t *deviceMemoryMap) |
static bool_t | isMultipleOf32 (uint32_t testedNumber) |
static void | roundUpToNearestMultOf32 (uint32_t *p_outnumberToRound) |
static uint32_t | addrToIndexOfRelatedBit (uint32_t address) |
static uint32_t | segementBottomAddress (uint32_t bitIndex) |
static uint32_t | nextSegmentBaseAddress (uint32_t bitIndex) |
static void | findCorrespondingMemoryMapIndices (uint32_t baseAddress, uint32_t *entry, uint16_t *bit) |
static uint16_t | mtStackStarterAddress (naibrd_1553_mt_stackMode_t stackMode, uint16_t stackBaseAddress, uint16_t stackSize) |
naibrd_1553_t | M1553BM_CheckResponse (const uint32_t *rxbuffer, uint16_t seq, nai_bm_to_host_cmd_code_t cmdCode, uint32_t *wordcount) |
uint16_t | getHiWord (uint32_t value) |
uint16_t | getLoWord (uint32_t value) |
uint32_t | makeDoubleWord (uint16_t hiWord, uint16_t loWord) |
uint8_t | get4thNibble (uint32_t value) |
uint8_t | get3rdNibble (uint32_t value) |
uint8_t | get2ndNibble (uint32_t value) |
uint8_t | get1stNibble (uint32_t value) |
uint16_t | getWordCountFromCmdWord (uint16_t cmdWord) |
nai_status_t | write1553Reg (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint16_t data) |
nai_status_t | write1553RegMask (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint16_t mask, uint16_t data) |
nai_status_t | read1553Reg (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *outdata) |
nai_status_t | write1553Block (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t stride, uint32_t count, uint32_t width, const uint16_t *data) |
nai_status_t | read1553Block (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t stride, uint32_t count, uint32_t width, uint16_t *data) |
nai_status_t | write1553Zeros (uint8_t mode, int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, const uint32_t **addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_Open (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_Close (int16_t swDevice) |
uint16_t | naibrd_1760_ReadMem (int16_t swDevice, uint32_t wDeviceMemoryAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_WriteMem (int16_t swDevice, uint32_t wDeviceMemoryAddress, uint16_t wDeviceMemoryValue) |
uint32_t | naibrd_1760_ReadIntReg (int16_t swDevice, uint32_t wIntRegisterAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_WriteIntReg (int16_t swDevice, uint32_t wIntRegisterAddress, uint32_t wIntRegisterValue) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_Initialize (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wAccess, uint16_t wMode, uint32_t dwSizeOfAllocatedMemory, uint32_t dwRegistersAddress, uint32_t dwMemoryAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_Free (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_SetResponseTimeout (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wResponseTimeout) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_ConfigureWatchdogTimeout (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t bIsWatchdogEnabled, uint16_t wWatchdogTimeout) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_SetTimeTag (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wTimeTag) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_GetTimeTag (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpTimeTag) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_ResetTimeTag (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_SetTimeTagResolution (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wTimeTagResolution) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_EnableExecution (int16_t swDevice, bool_t enabled) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcConfig (int16_t swDevice, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcStart (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swFrameId, int32_t sdwFrameCount) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcDataBlockWrite (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize, uint16_t wOffset) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcGetActivationState (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpCurrentState) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcDataBlockRead (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize, uint16_t wOffset) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcCommandCreate (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swCommandId, uint16_t wOpcode, uint16_t wCondition, uint32_t dwParameter1, uint32_t dwParameter2, uint32_t dwReserved) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcCommandDelete (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swCommandId) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageDecodeRaw (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wapBuffer, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *dmspDecodedMessage) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageGetByIdDecoded (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *dmspDecodedMessage, uint16_t wIsPurgeRequired) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcConfigureMessageGapTimerEnable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t bIsMessageGapTimeFieldEnabled) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcGetConditionState (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wConditionCode, uint16_t *wpCurrentState) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcDataBlockCreate (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wDataBlockSize, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcDataBlockDelete (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateBcToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageDelete (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateRtToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateBroadcastMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateRtToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateBcToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreate (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockIdForMessage1, uint16_t wBcControlWordForMessage1, uint16_t wCommandWord1ForMessage1, uint16_t wCommandWord2ForMessage1, uint16_t wGapTimeForMessage1, int16_t swDataBlockIdForMessage2, uint16_t wBcControlWordForMessage2, uint16_t wCommandWord1ForMessage2, uint16_t wCommandWord2ForMessage2, uint16_t wGapTimeForMessage2, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModify (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockIdForMessage1, uint16_t wBcControlWordForMessage1, uint16_t wCommandWord1ForMessage1, uint16_t wCommandWord2ForMessage1, uint16_t wGapTimeForMessage1, int16_t swDataBlockIdForMessage2, uint16_t wBcControlWordForMessage2, uint16_t wCommandWord1ForMessage2, uint16_t wCommandWord2ForMessage2, uint16_t wGapTimeForMessage2, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyBcToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyRtToBc (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyRtToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wRt, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyBcToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyRtToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageModifyBroadcastMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t wModificationFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcFrameCreate (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swFrameId, uint16_t wFrameType, int16_t *swapCommandIds, uint16_t wCommandCount, uint16_t wFrameTime, uint16_t wFlags) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcFrameDelete (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swFrameId) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateRtToBc (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcMessageCreateMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wRt, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcGetMessageByIdRaw (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wIsPurgeRequired) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcStop (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcCommandGetWord (uint16_t wHardwareOpcode, uint16_t wCondition, uint16_t *wpCommandOpcode) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcSetMessageRetryPolicy (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wNumberOfRetries, uint16_t wFirstRetryBus, uint16_t wSecondRetryBus, uint16_t wReserved) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateBcToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateRtToBc (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateRtToRt (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRt, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wRt, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateBcToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateRtToBroadcast (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wReceiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wWordCount, uint16_t wTransmitterRt, uint16_t wTransmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageCreateBroadcastMode (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swMessageId, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wModeCommand, uint16_t wGapTime, uint32_t dwOptions, uint16_t *wapBuffer) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageSendAtLowPriority_ExecuteOnce (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpRemainingMessageCount, uint16_t wTimeFactor) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageSendAtLowPriority (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpRemainingMessageCount, uint16_t wTimeFactor) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageSendAtHighPriority_ExecuteOnce (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wMessageId, uint16_t wTimeFactor) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageSendAtHighPriority (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wMessageId, uint16_t wTimeFactor) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_BcAsynchronousMessageRemainingCount (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RT_SetAddress (int16_t swDevice, uint8_t address) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RT_GetAddress (int16_t swDevice, uint8_t *outaddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtInitialize (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wCommandStackSize, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtGetAddressSource (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpRtAddressSource) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtAddressRelatch (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtSetAddress (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wRtAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtGetAddress (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpRtAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtStart (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtStop (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockGetSize (uint16_t wDataBlockType, uint16_t *wpSizeOfAllocatedDeviceMemory, uint16_t *wpActualSizeOfDataBlock) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockCreate (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wDataBlockType, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockGetAddress (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t *wpDeviceMemoryAddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockDelete (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockWrite (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize, uint16_t wOffset) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockRead (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize, uint16_t wOffset) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockMapToSubaddress (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wSubaddress, uint16_t wMessageTypes, uint16_t wIrqOptions, uint16_t bIsSubaddressLegalizationRequested) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtDataBlockUnmapFromSubaddress (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wSubaddress, uint16_t wMessageTypes) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtTxDataBlockSwap (int16_t swDevice, int16_t swDataBlockId, uint16_t wSubaddress) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtModeCodeIrqEnable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wModeCodeType, uint16_t wModeCodeIrq) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtModeCodeIrqDisable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wModeCodeType, uint16_t wModeCodeIrq) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtModeCodeGetIrqStatus (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wModeCodeType, uint16_t *wpModeCodeIrq) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtModeCodeReadData (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wDataContainingModeCode, uint16_t *wpData) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtModeCodeWriteData (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wDataContainingModeCode, uint16_t wData) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMessageLegalityEnable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wOwnAddressOrBroadcast, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wSubaddress, uint32_t dwWordCountOrModeCodeMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMessageLegalityDisable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wOwnAddressOrBroadcast, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wSubaddress, uint32_t dwWordCountOrModeCodeMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMessageLegalityGetStatus (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wOwnAddressOrBroadcast, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint16_t wSubaddress, uint32_t *dwpMessageLegality) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtResponseStatusBitsSet (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wStatusEnablerMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtResponseStatusBitsUnset (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wStatusEnablerMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtResponseStatusBitsGet (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wpStatusEnablerMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMessageGetFromStackRaw (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMessageGetFromStackDecoded (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *dmspDecodedMessage, uint16_t wMessageLocationAndRemoval) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_SetIrqConfig (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wInterruptMode) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_SetInterruptSteering (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_int_steering_t steering) |
naibrd_1553_t | naibrd_1760_SetIntVector (int16_t swDevice, int32_t intvector) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtInitialize (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wStackMode, uint16_t wCommandStackSize, uint16_t wDataStackSize, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtStart (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtStop (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageDecodeRaw (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wapBuffer, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *dmspDecodedMessage) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageGetFromStackRaw (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t *wapBuffer, uint16_t wBufferSize, uint16_t wStackSelector) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageGetFromStackDecoded (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *dmspDecodedMessage, uint16_t wMessageLocationAndRemoval, uint16_t wStackSelector) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageMonitoringEnable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wRtAddress, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint32_t dwRtSubaddressMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageMonitoringDisable (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wRtAddress, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint32_t dwRtSubaddressMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtMessageMonitoringGetStatus (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wRtAddress, uint16_t wMessageDirection, uint32_t *dwpRtSubaddressMask) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtPause (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_MtContinue (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMtInitialize (int16_t swDevice, uint16_t wRtCommandStackSize, uint16_t wMtStackMode, uint16_t wMtCommandStackSize, uint16_t wMtDataStackSize, uint32_t dwOptions) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMtStart (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_RtMtStop (int16_t swDevice) |
naibrd_1760_t | naibrd_1760_InternalLoopback (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *busAPassed, bool_t *busBPassed) |
NAIBRDFUNC int32_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetChannelCount (uint32_t modId) |
| Returns the number of channels for the specified 1553 Module ID.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_Open (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int16_t device) |
| Opens one 1553 unit (a "device" in DDC API). This function must be called to associate the device with the card, module, and channel mapping before any core functions are called.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_Init (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_gen_device_access_t access, naibrd_1553_gen_device_mode_t deviceMode, uint32_t sizeOfAllocatedMemory, uint32_t registersAddress, uint32_t memoryAddress) |
| Initializes hardware resources such as memory and register space for a particular mode of operation.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_Close (int16_t device) |
| Closes one 1553 unit (a "device" in DDC API).
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_Free (int16_t device) |
| Frees all resources used by the hardware based on the type of access used.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcDataBlkCreate (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_bc_dataBlockSize_t dataBlockSize, const uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t writeCount) |
| Create a BC data block with a unique identifier given by the dataBlockId input parameter. This data block can be used by a BC message and can be 1-32 words long, single or double buffered.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcDataBlkWrite (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, const uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t writeCount, uint16_t offset) |
| Write to a BC data block.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcDataBlkRead (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, uint16_t *p_outbuffer, uint16_t readCount, uint16_t offset) |
| Read a BC data block. If the function completes successfully, the return value is the actual size of the data block.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcDataBlkDelete (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId) |
| Delete the data block associated with the dataBlockId identifier.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateBcToRt (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t receiverRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a BC to RT message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateRtToBc (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a RT to BC message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateRtToRt (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t receiverRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a RT to RT message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateMode (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rt, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_bc_mode_commands_t modeCommand, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a Mode message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateBcToBroadcast (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a BC to Broadcast message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateRtToBroadcast (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a RT to Broadcast message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreateBroadcastMode (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_bc_mode_commands_t modeCommand, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a Broadcast Mode message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgCreate (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockIdForMessage1, uint16_t bcControlWordForMessage1, uint16_t commandWord1ForMessage1, uint16_t commandWord2ForMessage1, uint16_t gapTimeForMessage1_uS, int16_t dataBlockIdForMessage2, uint16_t bcControlWordForMessage2, uint16_t commandWord1ForMessage2, uint16_t commandWord2ForMessage2, uint16_t gapTimeForMessage2_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions) |
| Create a single or dual BC message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgDelete (int16_t device, int16_t messageId) |
| Delete a BC message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateBcToRt (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t receiverRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous BC to RT message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateRtToBc (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous RT to BC message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateRtToRt (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t receiverRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous RT to RT message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateMode (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rt, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_bc_mode_commands_t modeCommand, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous Mode message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateBcToBroadcast (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous BC to Broadcast message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateRtToBroadcast (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t receiverRtSubaddress, uint16_t wordCount, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t transmitterRt, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t transmitterRtSubaddress, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous RT to Broadcast message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgCreateBroadcastMode (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_bc_mode_commands_t modeCommand, uint16_t gapTime_uS, naibrd_1553_bc_msg_options_t bcMsgOptions, const uint16_t *p_buffer) |
| Create an asynchronous Broadcast Mode message.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgSendAtLowPriority_ExecuteOnce (int16_t device, uint16_t *p_outremainingMessageCount, uint16_t timeFactor) |
| Send asynchronous messages in the low priority queue. The order of message transmission is determined by the message ID (lowest ID first). If either function is called once while the BC is running and a transmitted async message returns an error (e.g. no response error), the message will continue to send on every iteration of the minor frame. However, this function can be called over and over and each time, it will regenerate the async frame only from messages that were not yet sent. In this way, async messages that were already transmitted, regardless of whether or not it returned an error, will stop sending and will need to be deleted and recreated in order to be sent again. This function provides a level of software control to handle low priority async messages that are not communicated successfully. To use this function, the BC must be configured for low priority async mode using the naibrd_1553_BcCfg function. Please refer to the m1553_bc_send_msg_async sample C code for an example that utilizes this function effectively.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgSendAtHighPriority_ExecuteOnce (int16_t device, uint16_t messageId, uint16_t timeFactor) |
| Send an asynchronous message with high priority. Once an asynchronous message is defined, it may be transmitted at high priority again and again as many times as the user requires, but it won't be transmitted more than once at low priority. Moreover, if an asynchronous message has already been transmitted at high priority, it won't be retransmitted at low priority even once. In order to force its retransmission in such a case, the message must be deleted and recreated. The async message will be transmitted only once per call to this function, even if it returns an error (e.g. no response error). To use this function, the BC must be configured for high priority async mode using the naibrd_1553_BcCfg function by passing in NAIBRD_1553_BC_ASYNCHRONOUS_HIGH_PRIORITY_MODE as the dwOptions parameter. Please refer to the m1553_bc_send_msg_async sample C code for an example that utilizes this function effectively.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgSendOneAtLowPriority (int16_t device, uint16_t messageId) |
| This function is used to send a single low priority Asynchronous message. This is in contrast to naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgSendAtLowPriority* functions, which places all asynchronous messages on a low priority queue. Additionally, this function call does not block (no delays). If this function gets called again before the previous async message was sent, it will return an error. The user should specify the message ID of the asynchronous message to send. This function utilizes GPF-5 so the user should not use GPF-5 for any other purpose if this function is being called in the user application. This function is currently not supported in FTJ/FTK modules. This function is not a DDC compatible function. Note: This API is not supported for 1760 modules at this time.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcAsyncMsgRemainingCount (int16_t device) |
| Returns the current number of asynchronous messages remaining in the low priority queue.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcCmdCreate (int16_t device, int16_t commandId, naibrd_1553_bc_opcode_t opcode, naibrd_1553_bc_condition_t condition, uint32_t parameter1, uint32_t parameter2, uint32_t reserved) |
| Create an opcode command for use in the creation of a frame.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcCmdDelete (int16_t device, int16_t commandId) |
| Delete an opcode command.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcFrmCreate (int16_t device, int16_t frameId, naibrd_1553_bc_frameType_t frameType, const int16_t *p_commandIds, uint16_t commandCount, uint16_t frameTime, naibrd_1553_bc_frameoptions_t flags) |
| Create a BC frame from an array of opcode IDs input by the user.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcFrmDelete (int16_t device, int16_t frameId) |
| Delete a BC frame.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcStart (int16_t device, int16_t frameId, int32_t frameCount) |
| Start the Bus Controller (BC).
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcStop (int16_t device) |
| Stop the Bus Controller (BC).
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcGetActiveState (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_bc_active_state_t *p_outcurrentState) |
| Get the activation state, idle or busy, of given BC device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcGetConditionCodeState (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_bc_conditionCode_t conditionCode, uint16_t *p_outcurrentState) |
| Read the BC Condition Code register to get the current condition state.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcGetMsgByIdRaw (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, uint16_t *p_outbuffer, uint16_t isPurgeRequired) |
| Reads a BC message (specified by the message ID) into a user supplied buffer in raw format.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgGetByIdDecoded (int16_t device, int16_t messageId, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage, uint16_t isPurgeRequired) |
| Read either the next unread message or the latest message received on the stack based on the message ID.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcMsgDecodeRaw (int16_t device, const uint16_t *p_buffer, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage) |
| Decode a BC message in raw format into a decoded message structure.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcCfg (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_bc_options_t bcOperationOptions) |
| Initialize the device as a bus controller (BC) with the given initialization options.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcSetMsgRetryPolicy (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_bc_num_retries_t numberOfRetries, naibrd_1553_bc_retry_bus_t firstRetryBus, naibrd_1553_bc_retry_bus_t secondRetryBus, uint16_t reserved) |
| Configure the message retry policy of given BC device to given number of retries and given first and second chance bus to retry the message with.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcCfgMsgGapTimerEnable (int16_t device, uint16_t enable) |
| Enable or disable the message gap time field for all messages.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_BcCmdGetWord (naibrd_1553_bc_opcode_t hardwareOpcode, naibrd_1553_bc_condition_t condition, uint16_t *p_outcommandOpcode) |
| Generate a command word using given opcode and condition code. Odd parity is used for the generation of the parity bit (MSB) of the command opcode word.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtSetAddrSrc (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t rtAddressSource) |
| Set RT address source as either internal or external. This function is not supported for FTJ/FTK modules.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtGetAddrSrc (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_rtAddressSource_t *p_outrtAddressSource) |
| Gets RT address source (external or internal).
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtAddrRelatch (int16_t device) |
| If RT_ADR_LAT is set high in the Misc Bits Auxiliary register (0x2), this function re-latches the RT address based on the current state of the external RT address pins. Use this function to make the device re-read the external RT address pins to reset the RT address of the device. If RT_ADR_LAT is set high, changing the state of the external pins by itself will not change the RT address of the device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtSetAddr (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rtAddress) |
| This function is used to set the RT address if the RT address source is set to Internal.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtGetAddr (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t *p_outrtAddress) |
| Retrieves the RT address.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtMsgLegalEnable (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_ownAddressOrBroadcast_t ownAddressOrBroadcast, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddress, uint32_t wordCountOrModeCodeMask) |
| Legalize messages for a subaddress with a given set of criteria.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtMsgLegalDisable (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_ownAddressOrBroadcast_t ownAddressOrBroadcast, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddress, uint32_t wordCountOrModeCodeMask) |
| Illegalize messages for a subaddress with a given set of criteria.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkGetSize (naibrd_1553_rt_dataBlockType_t dataBlockType, uint16_t *p_outsizeOfAllocatedDeviceMemory, uint16_t *p_outactualSizeOfDataBlock) |
| Gets the size of a data block type.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkCreate (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_dataBlockType_t dataBlockType, const uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t writeCount) |
| Creates a RT data block to be used.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkGetAddr (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, uint16_t *p_outdeviceMemoryAddress) |
| Gets the memory address of the specified RT data block.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkDelete (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId) |
| Deletes a data block represented by the given block id.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkWrite (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, const uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t writeCount, uint16_t offset) |
| Writes data to a user-specified data block.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkRead (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, uint16_t *p_outbuffer, uint16_t readCount, uint16_t offset) |
| Reads data from a user-specified data block.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkMapToSA (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddress, naibrd_1553_rt_messageTypes_t messageTypes, naibrd_1553_rt_irqOptions_t irqOptions, uint16_t isSubaddressLegalizationRequested) |
| Maps an existing data block to a subaddress.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtDataBlkUnmapFromSA (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddress, naibrd_1553_rt_messageTypes_t messageTypes) |
| Unmaps a data block from a subaddress.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtTxDataBlkSwap (int16_t device, int16_t dataBlockId, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddress) |
| This function swaps the data block that is currently mapped to a given Tx subaddress with the data block given by dataBlockId. This function is especially useful for multiple buffering of Tx messages for a RT to BC or RT to RT commands.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtModeCodeReadDataValue (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_dataContainingModeCode_t dataContainingModeCode, uint16_t *p_outdata) |
| Reads data from the Mode Code Data Locations Table.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtModeCodeWriteDataValue (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_dataContainingModeCode_t dataContainingModeCode, uint16_t data) |
| Writes data to the Mode Code Data Locations Table.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtStart (int16_t device) |
| Starts the RT.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtStop (int16_t device) |
| Stops the RT.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtMsgGetFromStackRaw (int16_t device, uint16_t *p_outbuffer, uint16_t bufferLength) |
| Reads raw messages off of the RT command stack. Each message read is NAIBRD_1553_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_RT words long (4 words stack entry, 32 words data) regardless of the data word count. Messages will be read until the internal pointer value is equal to the current command stack pointer value, or until the words read surpass bufferLength. The data stack pointer (3rd word in message) is replaced with a word such that the MSByte contains the count of data words for the read message and the LSByte contains the type of message that was read.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtMsgDecodeRaw (int16_t device, const uint16_t *p_buffer, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage) |
| Decodes a raw message into a message structure.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtMsgGetFromStackDecoded (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage, uint16_t messageLocationAndRemoval) |
| Gets a message from the RT Command Stack and decodes it into a message structure.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtRespStatusBitSet (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_resp_status_t statusEnablerMask) |
| Sets the status enable bits to configure RT status responses.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtRespStatusBitUnset (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_resp_status_t statusEnablerMask) |
| Deactivates the status enable bits for RT status responses.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtRespStatusBitGet (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_resp_status_t *p_outstatusEnablerMask) |
| Gets the status enable bits for RT status responses.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_RtCfg (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_rt_commandStackSize_t commandStackSize, naibrd_1553_rt_options_t rtOptions) |
| Configure a RT.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtCfg (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_mt_stackMode_t stackMode, naibrd_1553_mt_commandStackSize_t commandStackSize, naibrd_1553_mt_dataStackSize_t dataStackSize, naibrd_1553_mt_options_t mtOptions) |
| Initialize the 1553 device as a bus monitor (MT) with the given configuration options.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtStart (int16_t device) |
| Start MT device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtStop (int16_t device) |
| Stop MT device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgMonitoringEnable (int16_t device, uint16_t rtAddress, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_mask_t rtSubaddressMask) |
| Configure the 1553 MT to selectively monitor commands specified by the RT address, message direction and subaddress mask.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgMonitoringDisable (int16_t device, uint16_t rtAddress, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_mask_t rtSubaddressMask) |
| Configure the 1553 MT to avoid monitoring commands specified by the RT address, message direction and subaddress mask.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgMonitoringGetStatus (int16_t device, uint16_t rtAddress, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_mask_t *p_outrtSubaddressMask) |
| Get the current subaddress mask for a given RT address and message direction.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgDecodeRaw (int16_t device, const uint16_t *p_buffer, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage) |
| Decode the raw MT message into the given structure.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgGetFromStackRaw (int16_t device, uint16_t *p_buffer, uint16_t bufferSize, naibrd_1553_mt_stack_selector_t stackSelector) |
| Reads raw messages off of the MT command stack. Each message read is NAIBRD_1553_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_MT words long regardless of the data word count. The target MT stack entry is copied into the given buffer. The data stack pointer is replaced with a word in which the LSByte contains the type of message that was read (NAIBRD_1553_MESSAGE_*), the MSBit (bit 7) of the MSByte is set if an error has been discovered in the data words, and bits 0-6 of the MSByte contain the count of data words in the message. The data words are stored right after the stack entry, which is at offset NAIBRD_1553_MEMORY_OBJECT_SIZE_COMMAND_STACK_ENTRY_MT. For a mode code message with data, the data word is returned as the first (and only) data word.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_MtMsgGetFromStackDecoded (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_msgstruct_t *p_outdecodedMessage, uint16_t messageLocationAndRemoval, naibrd_1553_mt_stack_selector_t stackSelector) |
| Read from given stack of given MT device the message at given location, decode it into given structure, and purge it if so required.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_InternalLoopback (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *p_outbusAPassed, bool_t *p_outbusBPassed) |
| Execute internal loopback test. This may be useful for startup BIT to verify transceiver and other hardware capabilities. If this test is to be executed on a particular channel, this function should be called prior to naibrd_1553_Open().
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetTimeTagRes (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_timeTagResolution_t timeTagResolution) |
| Sets the time tag resolution of the device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetClkFreq (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_clockFrequency_t clockFrequency) |
| Sets the hardware clock input frequency. This function has no effect in the FTx module. NOTE: This function is not supported in FTJ/FTK modules.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRespTimeout (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_responseTimeout_t responseTimeout) |
| Sets the RT response timeout duration.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetDcdrCfg (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_decodedInput_t decodedInput, naibrd_1553_general_expandedXingOption_t expandedXingOption) |
| Configure the Manchester-II decoder. This function has no effect in the FTx module. Expanded zero-crossing is always enabled for this module. NOTE: This function is not supported in FTJ/FTK modules.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRamParityChk (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_ramParityCheckEnabler_t ramParityCheckEnabler) |
| Enable or disable RAM parity checking. This function has no effect in the FTx module. NOTE: This function is not supported in FTJ/FTK modules.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_CheckPowerOnBITComplete (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, bool_t *p_outpbitComplete) |
| Retrieves the Power-On BIT (PBIT) status (complete or incomplete) for the specified channel. The PBIT result will be in the BIT status register.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetIrqCfg (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_interruptMode_t interruptMode, naibrd_1553_general_autoClear_t autoClear) |
| Sets the type of interrupt signal to be generated by the device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetIrqEnable (int16_t device, uint16_t enable, uint32_t irqMask, void(*p_externalIsr)(int16_t device, uint32_t irqStatus)) |
| Enables the interrupt conditions specified by the interrupt mask. NOTE: This function is not supported for FTJ/FTK modules. Please use naibrd_1760_SetIrqManipulate instead.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetInterruptSteering (int16_t device, naibrd_int_steering_t steering) |
| Sets the Interrupt Steering which indicates the interrupt direction for the 1553 device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetIntVector (int16_t device, int32_t intVector) |
| Set the interrupt vector of the 1553 device.The vector value uniquely identifies the source of the interrupt in case multiple (1553 and/or non-1553) devices/channels are generating interrupts.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetIntStatus (int16_t device, uint16_t *status1, uint16_t *status2) |
| Reads the interrupt status registers #1 and #2. The status registers report any hardware events that have occurred. If the interrupt is enabled for a particular event, an interrupt will be generated when that event occurs. NOTE: This function is not supported for FTJ/FTK modules. Please use naibrd_1760_GetIntStatus instead.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ClearIntLatch (int16_t device) |
| Clears the interrupt latch register. When an interrupt is generated by the core, bit 0 of the latch register is set high. This must be cleared by writing a '1' to the bit in order to receive more interrupts.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_reg_value_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ReadRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_registerAddress_t registerAddress) |
| Reads a register on the device at the specified memory location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_WriteRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_registerAddress_t registerAddress, naibrd_1553_reg_value_t registerValue) |
| Writes to the specified register location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_aux_reg_value_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ReadAuxRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_auxRegAddress_t auxRegisterAddress) |
| Reads an Auxiliary register on the device at the specified memory location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_WriteAuxRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_auxRegAddress_t auxRegisterAddress, naibrd_1553_aux_reg_value_t auxRegisterValue) |
| Writes to the specified auxiliary register location.
NAIBRDFUNC uint16_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ReadMemory (int16_t device, uint32_t deviceMemoryAddress) |
| Reads a memory location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_WriteMemory (int16_t device, uint32_t deviceMemoryAddress, uint16_t deviceMemoryValue) |
| Writes to the specified memory location.
NAIBRDFUNC uint32_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ReadIntRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_intRegAddress_t intRegisterAddress) |
| Reads an Interrupt register on the device at the specified memory location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_WriteIntRegister (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_general_intRegAddress_t intRegisterAddress, uint32_t intRegisterValue) |
| Writes to the specified interrupt register location.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_CmdWordCreate (uint16_t *p_outcommandWord, naibrd_1553_rt_address_t rtAddress, naibrd_1553_messageDirection_t messageDirection, naibrd_1553_rt_subaddress_t subaddressOrMode, uint16_t wordCountOrModeCode) |
| Create a 1553 command word using the given parameters.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_CmdWordParse (uint16_t commandWord, uint16_t *p_outrtAddress, uint16_t *p_outmessageDirection, uint16_t *p_outsubaddressOrMode, uint16_t *p_outwordCountOrModeCode) |
| Parses the given 1553 command word and returns its individual parts.
NAIBRDFUNC char_t *NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetBlkStatusWordErrorString (naibrd_1553_gen_device_mode_t mode, uint16_t blockStatus) |
| Build and return a string in which the designated errors are textually reported. If no error is designated, a null string is returned.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetModulePowerResetStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_module_power_reset_status_type_t modulePowerResetStatusType, bool_t *p_outmodulePowerResetStatusBit) |
| Retrieves the bit specified by the module power reset status type from the module power reset status register for the specified 1553 module. Feature supported in Motherboard FPGA Version >= X.X.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ClearModulePowerResetStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_module_power_reset_status_type_t modulePowerResetStatusType) |
| Clears the bit specified by the module power reset status type in the module power reset status register for the specified 1553 module. Feature supported in Motherboard FPGA Version >= X.X.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetModulePowerReset (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_module_power_reset_type_t modulePowerResetType, bool_t modulePowerResetBit) |
| Sets the bit specified by the module power reset type in the module power reset register for the specified 1553 module. If the bit was set, the hardware will acknowledge it by setting the corresponding bit back to 0. Feature supported in Motherboard FPGA Version >= X.X.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetModulePowerReset (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_module_power_reset_type_t modulePowerResetType, bool_t *p_outmodulePowerResetBit) |
| Retrieves the bit specified by the module power reset type from the module power reset register for the specified 1553 module. Feature supported in Motherboard FPGA Version >= X.X.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOCount (int16_t device, uint32_t *p_outcount) |
| Retrieve the count of 32-bit words currently loaded into the 1553 Message FIFO for the specified device.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ReadMsgFIFO (int16_t device, int32_t wordCount, uint32_t *p_outbuffer) |
| Retrieves 32-bit words from the 1553 Message FIFO on the specified device. NOTE: make sure p_outbuffer points to an array of size greater or equal to wordCount.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ClearMsgFIFO (int16_t device) |
| Clears out the 1553 Message FIFO on the device specified.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_DecodeFIFOMsg (const uint32_t *p_buffer, int32_t currBlockIndex, int32_t *p_outnextBlockIndex, naibrd_1553_msgstructFIFO_t *p_outmsgStruct) |
| Decodes a single 1553 message in p_buffer starting at the index given by currBlockIndex. p_outnextBlockIndex will contain the starting index of the next 1553 message, if any. The user should call this function again by passing in the p_outnextBlockIndex from the previous call into currBlockIndex. If the function returns NAIBRD_1553_CMD_NO_MSG_TO_DECODE, this means there is no message to decode at the current index of p_buffer (currBlockIndex). Please refer to the Message FIFO sample code (m1553_bc_send_msg_fifo, m1553_rt_recv_fifo, m1553_mt_monitor_fifo) for proper usage in the different 1553 modes.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOFullStatus (int16_t device, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, bool_t *p_outstatusBit) |
| Retrieves Full or Not Full status of the 1553 Message FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOAlmostFullStatus (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, bool_t *p_outstatusBit) |
| Retrieves the "Almost Full" status of the 1553 Message FIFO on the specified device. The "Almost
Full" threshold is user defined and can be set with naibrd_1553_SetMsgFIFOAlmostFullThreshold() function.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFORxAvailStatus (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, bool_t *p_outstatusBit) |
| Retrieves the "Rx Available" status of the 1553 Message FIFO on the specified device. If this status is set, it indicates one or more messages are present in the Message FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOEmptyStatus (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, bool_t *p_outstatusBit) |
| Retrieves the "FIFO Empty" status of the 1553 Message FIFO on the specified device. If this status is set, it indicates no messages are present in the Message FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOStatusAll (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t *p_outstatusWord) |
| Retrieves all statuses of the 1553 Message FIFO on the specified device. The retrieved 32-bit status word contains four bits that indicate various statuses of the Message FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ClearMsgFIFOStatus (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t statusWord) |
| Clears one or more Message FIFO status bits. This function clears one or more Message FIFO Latched Status bits by writing a user-specified OR'ed combination of Message FIFO status bits to the Message FIFO Latched Status register.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOAlmostFullThreshold (int16_t swDevice, int32_t *p_outthreshold) |
| Retrieves the Message FIFO "Almost Full" Threshold value currently set on the specified device. This value determines the Message FIFO fill level (number of words) at which the "Almost Full" status bit reports TRUE.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetMsgFIFOAlmostFullThreshold (int16_t swDevice, int32_t threshold) |
| Sets the Message FIFO "Almost Full" Threshold for the specified device. This value determines the Message FIFO fill level (number of words) at which the "Almost Full" status bit reports TRUE.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOInterruptEnable (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t *p_outenableWord) |
| Retrieves interrupt enable configuration of all Message FIFO status bits on the specified device. The retrieved 32-bit enable word contains four enable bits that each control the generation of interrupts when the corresponding status bit gets set. If an enable bit is set and the corresponding status bit gets set, an interrupt will get generated. If an enable bit is not set and the corresponding status bit gets set, an interrupt will not get generated.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetMsgFIFOInterruptEnable (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t enableWord) |
| Sets the interrupt enable configuration of all Message FIFO status bits on the specified device. The user provided 32-bit enable word contains four enable bits that each control the generation of interrupts when the corresponding status bit gets set. If an enable bit is set and the corresponding status bit gets set, an interrupt will get generated. If an enable bit is not set and the corresponding status bit gets set, an interrupt will not get generated.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetMsgFIFOInterruptEdgeLevel (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t *p_outedgeLevelWord) |
| Retrieves interrupt trigger mode (edge vs level) configuration of all Message FIFO status bits on the specified device. The retrieved 32-bit word contains four trigger mode bits that each set the corresponding status for edge- or level-triggering when an interrupt is generated. If the trigger mode bit is set to '0', the corresponding status will be set for edge-triggering and if the trigger mode bit is set to '1', the corresponding status will be set for level-triggering.
NAIBRDFUNC naibrd_1553_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetMsgFIFOInterruptEdgeLevel (int16_t swDevice, naibrd_1553_status_bits_t edgeLevelWord) |
| Selects the interrupt trigger mode (edge vs level) for all Message FIFO status bits on the specified device. The user provided 32-bit word contains four trigger mode bits that each set the corresponding status for edge- or level-triggering when an interrupt is generated. If the trigger mode bit is set to '0', the corresponding status will be set for edge-triggering and if the trigger mode bit is set to '1', the corresponding status will be set for level-triggering.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetRxSummaryStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_status_type_t type, naibrd_1553_chan_mapped_status_t *p_outstatusword) |
| Reports the Dynamic or Latched Rx Data Available status of all channels. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_ClearRxSummaryStatus (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_1553_chan_mapped_status_t statusword) |
| Clears the Rx Data Available status latch register bit for the specified channel. When Rx Data become available on one or more channels, the bit(s) corresponding to the channel(s) are raised high in the latch register. These bits are held high until they are cleared by writing a '1' to the bit. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRxSummaryInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable) |
| Sets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Enable of the channel specified. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetRxSummaryInterruptEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *p_outenable) |
| Gets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Enable state of the channel specified. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRxSummaryInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t vector) |
| Sets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Vector. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetRxSummaryInterruptVector (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t *p_outvector) |
| Gets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Vector. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRxSummaryInterruptEdgeLevel (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t edgeLevel) |
| Sets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Edge/Level register value for the specified 1553 channel. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetRxSummaryInterruptEdgeLevel (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *p_outEdgeLevel) |
| Retrieves the Rx Data Available Interrupt Edge/Level register value for the specified 1553 channel. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_SetRxSummaryInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_int_steering_t steering) |
| Sets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Steering to indicate where to direct the interrupt signal. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI | naibrd_1553_GetRxSummaryInterruptSteering (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, naibrd_int_steering_t *p_outsteering) |
| Gets the Rx Data Available Interrupt Steering, which indicates where to direct the interrupt signal. This function is only supported in Message FIFO mode.